4 December 2016

Hi! This is the Christmas song we are singing this year. The message is a good one. I hope you like it.

Happy Christmas War is Over by John Lennon.

30 November 2016

Learn and have fun.

Hi! Olivia Beggs is the new native teacher this course. She is from Belfast, Northern Ireland. She is going to teach you lots of things about the English language and the British culture.

27 November 2016

 Are you interested in Wales?
 It's a fantastic country into the UK (The United Kingdom).
 Are you? Then, please, watch the videos.

To review and learn about numbers, watch the video.

A little bit of Geography. Game
These are your badges in our class and the points of the Four Houses Game in November.
Good Luck to everyone 🍀

      Welcome everybody to a new school year. I would like you to come into this blog now and again and have a look at it. I'll try to show you different activities that help you in your way of learning English.  😊